on february 19, 1950, after meeting with stalin, mao zedong and zhou enlai made a special trip to visit the ural heavy machinery factory. after seeing the large-scale equipment there, mao zedong said,...
in 1954, fularji heavy machinery factory, the predecessor of china first heavy industries co., ltd., started construction. in 1960, the factory was fully completed and renamed as china first heavy machinery factory. in 1993, it was renamed china first heavy machinery company, and listed among the first batch of 57 pilot enterprises in china. in 2008, china first heavy industries co., ltd. was established. in 2010, china first heavy industries co., ltd. was listed on the a-shares in shanghai stock exchange. in 2017, china first heavy industries completed the restructuring to corporation.
construction of first heavy machinery factory star...
completed and put into production, with a total in...
renamed as china first heavy machinery company and...
specially designated in the state plan
39 key state-owned enterprises directly managed by...
administered by sasac
establish china first heavy industries co., ltd
list on the a-shares in shanghai stock exchange
complete the restructuring to corporation